Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fun around the Fire

Why do the weekends pass by so fast? I can't believe it is almost time for another week to start. We have had a good weekend even though it has flown by! Lastnight we had a bonfire. Our neighbors came over and we had a wonderful time!

I got a new fire pit yesterday. We had it burning along big fire! We are going to be using that alot! :)

We cooked hot dogs and roasted marshmallows over the firepit. We all enjoyed ourselves very much!

Today we went to my niece's birthday party and had a wonderful time. Maybe we can relax the rest of the night and get back to work tomorrow.

Have a good night.



Carrie said...

Hi Jen,
I see that you became a blogger just a day after I started. I didn't know about Karla's party until Thursday that week, so I could not join in. It has been great reading all your blogs and visiting your lovely home. Visit my blog when you can.

Dena said...

I can just smell those roasting hot dogs and marshmellows, wow that sounds like fun! The weekend did go fast didn't it?
